VideoCom Security

Your data matters to us

At VideoCom, we are committed to the security of your data. We understand how valuable and sensitive your data is and ensure we have measures in place to safeguard it.


GDPR Readiness Statement

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a Regulation of the European Union and, from 25 May 2018, it applies to all organisations that collect and process the personal data of EU citizens.

As a responsible, forward-looking business, VideoCom recognises at senior levels the need to comply with the GDPR and ensure that effective measures are in place to protect the personal data of our customers, employees and other stakeholders, and to ensure that it is processed lawfully, fairly and transparently.

Commitment to the security of personal data extends to senior levels of the organisation and is demonstrated through the relevant policies and the provision of appropriate resources to establish and develop effective data protection and information security controls.

As part of meeting our legal obligations, we have put in place a comprehensive programme to understand and validate our use of personal data and to confirm the lawful basis of our processing.

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer, and the contact details as follows:

We will continue to develop and improve our data protection policies and controls over time, guided by legal requirements and the needs and preferences of our customers and partners.

Yours sincerely,

Henrik Levring,
CEO, VideoCom


Contact Us

For any questions or concerns regarding your privacy, please contact us at: Inc.,
8 The Green STE R,
Dover, DE 19901,
Delaware, United States of America